Unlock the Butterflies Lens on Snapchat: Add Magic on Snaps

By Bikash

How to Unlock the Butterflies Lens on Snapchat in 2023

Seeing everyone else using the butterfly effect on their Snaps, you must have also thought to unlock the Butterflies lens on Snapchat. You’ve come to the right place if that’s what you want. You can unlock this lens using any of the ways we’ve provided in this article. You may capture stunning images or videos, known as Snaps on the site, using Snapchat’s distinctive lens effects.

The butterfly lens filter on Snapchat is one of them and is currently trending. Many Snapchat users, including celebrities, are using it to post on social media platforms like Instagram. However, when you search for the Lens on the Snapchat app, you may not be able to find the original one, Paper Butterfly by jp pirie, as several filters have the same name. This raises the question: “How to unlock the Butterflies Lens on Snapchat?” Hence, this article is a must-read for you.

What is the Butterflies Lens on Snapchat?

The Butterflies Lens on Snapchat is a magical camera filter that brings your photos and videos to life. When you activate this lens, a vibrant array of butterflies will flutter around you, creating a captivating experience. Using Augmented Reality (AR), Snapchat cleverly places these virtual butterflies around your face and shoulders, making it seem as if they are right there with you. As you move, the butterflies will gracefully follow your motions, adding a touch of whimsy and wonder to your Snaps. So, get ready to unleash your creativity, and let the butterflies work their magic in your Snapchat stories!

How to Unlock Butterflies Lens on Snapchat?

Snapchat offers a wide range of lenses, with over 2.5 million to choose from. However, when a popular Snapchat filter starts trending, other users may create similar filters using Lens Studio. As a result, finding the original Butterflies Lens can be a challenge. But don’t worry, we have simplified the process for you. Here are six simple ways to unlock the Butterflies Lens on Snapchat:

Ask Your Friend to Share the Lens Link

The quickest and easiest way to access the Snapchat Butterflies Lens is to ask a friend who is already using it to share the lens link with you. Follow these steps:

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  • Open Snapchat on your phone.
  • Find a friend who has the Butterflies Lens in their snaps.
  • Ask them to tap on the Butterflies Lens from their recently used filters.
  • Tap the ⓘ icon in the top left corner of the screen for more information.
  • Choose “Share to Friends” from the pop-up menu.
  • Select the desired method to share the link (copying the link, WhatsApp, iMessage, Twitter, Messenger, Facebook, Telegram, etc.).
  • Once you receive the link, open it on Snapchat, and the Butterflies Lens will be unlocked for you to use.

Unlock the Lens On Snapchat by Searching

Another convenient method to unlock the Butterflies Lens on Snapchat is by using the search function within the app. Follow these steps:

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  • Launch the Snapchat app on your phone.
  • Tap the Explore icon, which looks like a search icon, located in the bottom menu.
  • The filters and lenses gallery will open up.
  • Search for “Butterfly lens” or related terms in the search box.
  • Browse through the available lenses and tap to try and use the one you like.

Scan the Snapcode to Get the Butterfly Filter

Snapcodes are unique QR codes that allow you to quickly access various features on Snapchat, including unlocking lenses. Follow these steps:

  • Open the Snapchat app on your phone and navigate to the camera screen.
  • Tap the code scanner icon located below the right-side menu.
  • Use the Snapchat camera to scan the Snapcode for the Butterflies Lens.
  • Once scanned, the Snapchat Butterflies Lens will load, and you will see animated butterflies flying around on your front camera screen.

Search the Butterflies Lens through Snapchat Web

If you prefer using Snapchat on your web browser, you can also search for the Butterflies Lens through the Snapchat website. Here’s how:

  • Open Snapchat.com on your web browser.
  • Enter relevant search terms such as “butterfly,” “butterfly lens,” etc., in the search bar located in the top-left corner.
  • You will see popular lenses created by different users.
  • Open a lens and scan its Snapcode using your Snapchat app.
  • The Butterflies Lens will load on your camera screen, and you can try it out.

Access Other Users’ Snaps to Get the Lens

An alternative method to unlock the Butterflies Lens is by accessing snaps that have already used the lens. Follow these steps:

  • Open the Snap that has used the Butterflies Lens.
  • Tap the button on the screen that displays the name of the filter and the “tap to try it out” text, located above the bottom menu.
  • Tap “Try Lens” to add the Butterflies Lens to the lens section next to the start recording icon.
  • You can now use the Lens anytime you want.

Using Snapchat Lens Studio

If you are a developer interested in creating your lenses, you can use Snapchat Lens Studio. However, this method is not limited to developers, as users can also take advantage of lenses created by others. Follow these steps:

  • Explore Snapchat Lens Studio to discover lenses created by developers.
  • Find a butterfly’s Lens created by someone else or create your own.
  • Once you have access to the Butterflies Lens, you can use it in your Snaps and enjoy the magical butterfly effects.

Download Top 10 Butterfly Lenses 2023

Explore and enjoy the ease of using the top 10 butterfly lenses available for download.


Snapchat is renowned for its filters, and the Butterflies Lens is currently in high demand. In this article, we provided a complete guide on how to unlock the Butterflies Lens on Snapchat. You can also use these techniques to access other Snapchat lenses. We hope this guide has been helpful to you. If you enjoyed reading this post, feel free to share it with your family and friends who are eager to unlock the Butterflies Lens on Snapchat.


What makes the Butterflies Lens special?

The Butterflies Lens on Snapchat adds a touch of magic to your Snaps by placing virtual butterflies around you. It creates an immersive and whimsical experience.

Are there any other popular lenses on Snapchat?

Absolutely! Snapchat offers a vast collection of lenses, ranging from funny effects to artistic filters. Explore the lens library and discover new ways to enhance your Snaps.

Can I create my own lenses on Snapchat?

Yes, Snapchat provides Lens Studio, a platform that allows developers and users to create their own lenses. Unleash your creativity and design unique lenses to share with others.

How can I make the most of the Butterflies Lens?

Experiment with different poses, expressions, and backgrounds to create captivating Snaps with the Butterflies Lens. Let your imagination soar and capture moments filled with fluttering beauty.

Can I unlock the Butterflies Lens on Snapchat without a friend’s help?

Yes, you can unlock the Butterflies Lens by searching for it within the Snapchat app or scanning a Snapcode featuring butterflies.

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By Bikash
Hello! I'm Bikash, a skilled Web Developer and Blogger with more than 5 years of experience in the digital marketing fields. My passion is Share my Own Experience by Blogging and creating unique, approachable websites that create a lasting impact. My love of both technology and creativity encourages me to keep up with the most recent developments and industry best practices.
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